Compliance & Ethics
Compliance & Ethics
As a supplier to CVS Health, you and your company play an integral part in our success as a leader in the healthcare services industry. CVS Health requires all suppliers to conduct business in accordance with applicable laws and CVS Health ethical standards.
Please review the ethical standards below, under "CVS Health Supplier Ethical Standards", and distribute copies to persons within your organization who participate in CVS Health business.
If you have an ethical inquiry, concern or report, you can reach the CVS Health Ethics Line in the following ways:
Phone: 1-877-CVS-2040 (1-877-287-2040); TTY: 711
Anti-Corruption Compliance
CVS Health requires its vendors and suppliers to be in full compliance with all applicable anti-corruption laws, including the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and the UK Bribery Act.
These laws prohibit authorizing, giving or promising, directly or indirectly, anything of value to U.S. or non-U.S. government officials, colleagues or agents of government-owned businesses, political candidates or campaigns, or any other individual or entity, in order to obtain or maintain business or receive special treatment. There is no exception for facilitating payments, which generally are small payments to low-ranking officials to expedite the performance of a routine act to which we are already entitled. It is important to remember that engaging in bribery, or even appearing to engage in such activity, can expose the individuals involved as well as CVS Health to criminal liability.
All expenses vendors/suppliers incur in connection with business with CVS Health shall be recorded fully and accurately in the books and records of the vendors/suppliers, and such books and records shall be made available, upon request, to CVS Health, or any accounting firm it may designate, in order that CVS may verify compliance with this policy.
CVS Health expects that its vendors and suppliers shall exercise due diligence to ensure to the extent possible that the hiring and conduct of its agents and representatives conform with the requirements of the FCPA and the UK Bribery Act. All purchase orders with vendors operating outside the U.S. must contain specific provisions requiring compliance with relevant anti-corruption laws consistent with the terms above.